The Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province issued the notice of "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Coping with Trade Friction"

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The Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province issued the notice of "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Coping with Trade Friction"

Guangdong Foreign Trade Fair Word (2013) 4

Local level to the listed and Shunde District people's government, foreign economic and trade departments, provincial relevant units:
  The Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Work of Coping with Trade Frictions have been agreed by the provincial People's Government and are hereby issued to you for compliance。If you encounter any problems during the implementation, please contact and reflect with our Office in a timely manner。
                        Guangdong Foreign Trade Department
                     October 11, 2013
附  件
Guiding Opinions on Strengthening responses to trade frictions
  In order to actively and effectively respond to trade frictions, promote the stable development of foreign trade in our province, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and enhance economic security and international competitiveness under open conditions, with the consent of the provincial people's Government, the following guiding opinions are hereby put forward on strengthening the response to trade frictions:
  First, fully recognize the importance of strengthening the response to trade frictions
  At present, the world economic structure has entered a period of profound adjustment and transformation. The competition among countries over strategic interests such as market, resources, human resources, technology and standards has become more intense, and trade frictions have intensified。As a large foreign trade province, our province has a high degree of dependence on foreign countries. In recent years, the trade frictions encountered by our province have become increasingly extensive and complicated, which has a serious impact on the export of our province's commodities and services and the utilization of foreign resources and markets。With the acceleration of industrial transformation and upgrading in our province and the further improvement of international competitiveness,The conflict of economic and trade interests between our province and international trading partners will further appear,Trade frictions will develop to a deeper level,New trade barriers in the name of combating unfair trade, protecting intellectual property rights and national security, national and animal and plant health, environmental safety, and labor rights and animal welfare will continue to increase。To further establish and improve the work system for dealing with trade frictions and strengthen the work for dealing with trade frictions is not only conducive to maintaining the market order of fair competition, but also conducive to promoting the sound, stable, coordinated and sustainable development of the open economy。
  2. Guiding ideology and Basic principles
  (1) Guiding ideology。We will thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development,We should focus on the basic objectives of steady growth, structural adjustment and transformation of the foreign trade and economy,Consider and properly handle the relationship between openness and security, protection and competition,Establish an institutionalized and standardized working mechanism,We will improve public service platforms covering major industries and enterprises,We will build an efficient and sensitive international economic and trade risk prevention and control system that implements both offensive and defensive measures,Create a fair, open and healthy trading environment,To safeguard national interests and the legitimate rights and interests of industries and enterprises,We will continue to improve an open economic system that is diversified, balanced, safe and efficient。
  (2) Basic principles。Adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win results,Promote the sustainable development of foreign trade;Adhere to the principle of abiding by law and regulations,Active use of WTO rules to safeguard legitimate rights and interests;Adhere to the principle of coordination and interaction,Coordinate the resources of government, industry organizations, enterprises and other parties,Forming a resultant force;Adhere to the principle of taking multiple measures simultaneously,Comprehensive use of legal defense, political negotiation, industry exchanges, public relations lobbying and other means to improve the response effect;Adhere to the principle of prevention,To promote the transformation of response work from back-end response to front-end prevention and proactive resolution。
  Third, actively respond to foreign "double reverse and one guarantee"
  (1) Improving the relevant litigation response mechanism。In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Commerce on the establishment and improvement of the "four-body linkage" response mechanism composed of the Ministry of Commerce and overseas business agencies, local commercial authorities, business associations and other intermediary organizations and related enterprises,Coordinate the efforts of all parties,Actively do a good job in foreign "double anti-one protection" (countervailing, anti-dumping and safeguard measures) legal defense, foreign negotiations, public relations lobbying and other work。Strengthen the main position of enterprises in responding to lawsuits, strengthen publicity training and case guidance for enterprises, help enterprises familiarise themselves with international rules as soon as possible, and do a good job in responding to lawsuits in various links such as new filing investigation, review investigation, anti-absorption investigation, and anti-circumvention investigation。Coordinate the responding enterprises to cooperate with the investigation, support the industry association to organize the involved enterprises to carry out no-harm defense, participate in hearings, and negotiate with foreign investigation authorities and relevant industry organizations or enterprises。
  2. Regulating the order of market competition。All localities and relevant departments should strengthen industry planning and industrial policy guidance, correctly guide investment directions, promote industrial upgrading, promote enterprises to "go global", rationally distribute the global market, and avoid the risk of trade friction caused by low-level expansion and excessive dependence on sensitive markets。Enterprises should be guided to manage their business in a scientific way, operate in accordance with the law, and standardize their production and trade activities in accordance with WTO rules。Promote the establishment of export industry self-regulation mechanism,To regulate the production and export behavior of commodities which have many export enterprises, chaotic export order, vicious competition with each other and easy to cause the importing country to take trade restrictive measures,Maintain a good competitive order,Reduce the risk of trade friction caused by irregular business management and vicious competition。
  Fourth, actively respond to new trade barriers
  (1) Addressing intellectual property barriers。Improve the foreign-related intellectual property service system, establish a world patent information database by industry and field, improve patent search services, and implement the "Patent early warning analysis Plan for Key Export Products" to guide enterprises to avoid intellectual property friction risks。We will implement the intellectual property promotion plan, accelerate the development of leading industries, technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights, support enterprises to apply for intellectual property protection of scientific research results, core technologies and well-known brands in a timely manner, and accelerate the overseas intellectual property distribution of key industries。Encourage and support enterprises to acquire well-known overseas brands, and carry out overseas trademark and patent applications and registration。We will improve the mechanism for protecting intellectual property rights overseas, strengthen guidance and coordination on responding to the "337 investigation" in the United States and foreign-related intellectual property litigation, and support the enterprises involved in the case to jointly adopt legal defenses, acquire patents, and cross-license the use of intellectual property in the same industry to enhance response forces。Regulate all kinds of monopoly or abuse related to intellectual property rights。Actively cultivate intellectual property strategy to promote enterprise typical。
  (2) Addressing technical barriers to trade。Establish and improve the domestic and foreign standards database, Guangdong's main export commodities foreign technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures database, as well as Guangdong's WTO/TBT early warning information platform, to guide enterprises to do a good job in relevant prevention work。Strengthen the promotion of international standards, promote enterprises to improve the quality management system, and break through foreign technical barriers to trade。Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international certification bodies, laboratories, inspection and testing institutions,Vigorously promote the certification of ISO9000, ISO14000, OHASl8000, SA8000 and other international standards,Further expand the coverage of production enterprise certification,Help companies get access to international markets。We will improve the working mechanism of WTO/TBT-SPS notification, consultation and evaluation and the relevant expert database, encourage enterprises, industry organizations and intermediaries to actively participate in the WTO/TBT-SPS notification and evaluation, and resist unreasonable technical trade measures。Support enterprises to participate in the revision of international standards。
  3. Addressing barriers to outbound investment。Improve the government information service system, help enterprises deeply understand the requirements of the host country in terms of market access, business restrictions, foreign exchange control, social responsibility, etc., guide enterprises to abide by the law and regulate their operations, and guide enterprises to formulate differentiated entry strategies for countries (regions) with different risk levels。Actively carry out external coordination, strengthen cooperation with local governments of host countries, establish and develop bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations with foreign local governments, and create a good environment for overseas investment and trade of enterprises。We will establish and improve a country-specific reporting system for trade and investment obstacles, and encourage enterprises and industry intermediary organizations to report in a timely manner the obstacles they encounter in exploring the international market。For policies and measures implemented by foreign governments or with the support of foreign governments that violate WTO rules and cause damage to trade or investment in our province, apply to relevant national departments for trade barrier investigation according to law。We will actively promote consultation and dialogue with the governments of relevant countries to properly resolve relevant issues。
  (4) Dealing with new trade barriers such as environmental and social responsibility barriers。Closely follow the progress of WTO negotiations on agriculture, non-agricultural product market access, trade in services, intellectual property rights, trade and development, trade and environment, etc., and study and formulate relevant work plans for our province。We will improve the policy system on the relationship between trade and the environment, and encourage enterprises to increase the use of environmental protection technologies。We will explore ways to assess the carbon content of export products and pilot carbon emission trading for export enterprises, actively participate in international carbon trading, and reduce pollutant emissions from products。Closely follow major trading partners on social responsibility, labor welfare, animal welfare and other related policies, timely formulate relevant guidelines to guide enterprises to improve production environment and working conditions。To assist in coping with China's accession to the Government Procurement Agreement。
  Fifth, strengthen the application of WTO rules
  (1) Applying trade remedy measures in accordance with the law。We will improve the investigation and evaluation mechanism for industrial international competitiveness, and strengthen monitoring of industrial safety in sensitive industries。We will improve the legal assistance mechanism for trade remedy measures, make reasonable use of anti-dumping, countervailing and other trade remedy measures permitted by the WTO, and provide protection and relief to industries damaged by import shocks。Improve the mechanism for tracking the effects of trade remedy measures, do a good job in regulating the industries involved, guide enterprises to make rational investment, timely adjust product mix and accelerate technological innovation, so as to achieve healthy industrial development。Actively and properly coordinate the interests of upstream and downstream industries。
  2. Strengthening local work on WTO affairs。Conscientiously fulfill China's WTO commitments and multilateral and bilateral agreements, use WTO rules to formulate a comprehensive response to the actual situation of our province。Strengthen relevant international regulations, agreements,标准And other trade-related policy measures research and training, publicity, notification and consultation work, to guide enterprises in accordance with WTO rules and the requirements of importing countries in production and management。We will make good use of WTO mechanisms such as negotiations on relevant issues, dispute settlement and trade policy review to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests。Reasonable use of anti-monopoly means to eliminate the influence of overseas monopoly, and support enterprises to prevent and respond to overseas anti-monopoly litigation and investigation。Actively participate in the formulation and improvement of international economic rules。
  6. Strengthen job security
  1. Establishing a coordinated mechanism for dealing with trade frictions。Give full play to the role of the mechanism of the joint conference on economic and trade work outside the province, and coordinate the work of dealing with trade frictions in the province。We will improve the three-in-one mechanism for government, industry and enterprise response to trade frictions。Relevant business associations should actively provide information, training, consultation, coordination and other services, and organize enterprises to actively respond。Local governments should strengthen communication and guidance to enterprises, assist in providing support, and guide enterprises to regulate their business activities in accordance with the law and use international rules to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests。
  2. Improving the early warning, monitoring and information service system for trade frictions。Establish a trade friction early warning and monitoring platform, improve the full-caliber import and export monitoring and early warning system, and comprehensively grasp the situation of the export products of enterprises in our province encountered by foreign "double reverse and one protection" and trade barriers。Improve the industrial injury early warning mechanism, improve the industrial safety database, establish an industrial injury early warning information notification system, and guide enterprises and industries to promptly respond to unfair foreign trade and competition。We will integrate the information resources of foreign trade, customs, inspection and quarantine, quality supervision, intellectual property rights and other departments, establish a comprehensive information service platform for dealing with trade frictions, and realize information sharing and real-time interaction among governments, associations, and enterprises。
  (3) Strengthening the construction of intermediary organizations to deal with trade frictions。Highlight the function of industry business associations in organizing and coordinating enterprises to deal with all kinds of trade frictions。Support a number of intermediary organizations to establish fair trade workstations in Guangdong Province, or trade friction early warning demonstration sites, and carry out early warning monitoring of trade friction in the industry, response to (a) lawsuit coordination and information consulting services。Business associations are encouraged to organize enterprises to conduct research and foreign exchanges based on the supply and demand relationship, price level, innovation capacity, technical standards and the dynamics of international trade disputes in various industries, so as to provide effective guidance and assistance for enterprises to carry out production and operation and cope with trade frictions and trade barriers。Actively guide industries to establish trade relief alliances。We will establish a support mechanism for law firms, accounting firms, think tanks and other intermediaries to participate in dealing with trade frictions, and vigorously cultivate and develop professional service institutions to deal with trade frictions。
  (4) Establishing a foreign-related economic and trade policy review mechanism。Comprehensively review the relevant public support policies issued by provincial and municipal governments at all levels, and adjust or cancel policies that conflict with WTO regulations。Establish a review mechanism for Guangdong's foreign-related economic and trade policies to comply with WTO rules, and conduct a review for the compliance of the proposed policies and measures involving foreign trade, investment and intellectual property protection, subsidies and countervailing measures。We will improve the way we support industries, use policy instruments permitted by WTO rules to support the development of strategic industries and key enterprises, and promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and infant industries。
  (5) Establishing a mechanism for providing assistance to trade frictions。Insurance companies are encouraged to provide protection against trade frictions。Promote industry organizations to establish trade friction mutual assistance mechanism, explore the establishment of international trade friction in response to social mutual assistance fund, through the establishment of long-term, institutionalized relief and assistance mechanism, to solve the small and medium-sized enterprises unable to respond to the lawsuit, unwilling to respond to the situation。To study and formulate policies to support damaged industries and promote their recovery and development。
  6. Strengthening the development of WTO personnel。Strengthen the mechanism construction of the special working platform for WTO affairs, set up the talent pool of WTO experts, and build it into an important technical support force for our province to deal with international trade frictions。China has formulated a plan for training WTO professionals, focusing on cultivating a group of practical talents who understand WTO rules, can participate in negotiations, and can win lawsuits。Encourage enterprises to strengthen the daily construction of relevant institutions and talent reserves。