Ministry of Commerce: Strongly concerned about the EU anti-dumping amendment

Economic Information Daily 本站 2017-06-29 230
    On the adoption by the European Parliament of an amendment to the new method of anti-dumping investigation,Sun Jiwen, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a regular press conference on the 29th,This amendment continues to apply the existing criteria for non-market economy countries,Replace the list of non-market economy countries with a list of countries or sectors with "significant market distortions",It is essentially a disguised use of the surrogate country approach,Perpetuate discriminatory and unfair practices,It is not consistent with the requirements of WTO rules。China is strongly concerned about this。
   Sun Jiwen pointed out that according to the EU legislative procedure, the European Parliament will hold tripartite talks with the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, and the bill after reaching an agreement will be jointly approved by the plenary session of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union before it is finally passed。At present, the bill has only been passed by the International Trade Committee within the European Parliament and is not yet the EU's final position。
   "I would like to emphasize that Article 15 of the Protocol on China's Accession to the WTO clearly stipulates that after the expiry of the 15-year transition period (that is, on December 11, 2016), members shall terminate the 'surrogate country' practice of anti-dumping against China。China has repeatedly stressed its position on many occasions, urging WTO members to fully and thoroughly implement the provisions of Article 15 and abide by their obligations under international treaties。Sun Jiwen said that EU leaders have repeatedly said that the EU fully takes into account the fact that part of Article 15 of the Protocol on China's accession to the WTO is invalid, and will fulfill relevant international obligations。