The economic operation of China's electronic information industry from January to August 2017

China Electronic Information Industry Federation 本站 2017-09-20 336

 2017Since last year, China's industrial economy has continued the momentum of stable and good operation, and the effect of structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading has further emerged。The electronic information industry is prominent in the national industry, the growth rate of production and investment remains ahead, the import and export of foreign trade has gradually stabilized, the adjustment of industrial structure has deepened, and the supporting role has continued to strengthen。

1. Production growth remained stable at a high level

 1-8In October, the value added of the electronics manufacturing industry increased13.5%The growth rate fell in the first quarter and the first half of the year respectively1.40.4But still higher than the national industrial average growth rate6.8Percentage point。From the perspective of the output growth of main products, the basic and emerging fields such as monocrystalline silicon, lithium-ion batteries, photovoltaic cells, integrated circuits, integrated circuit wafers, liquid crystal panels and liquid crystal panel modules have a higher boom, and the output growth rate exceeds20%;Complete computer (10.0%)、彩电(-5.0%)、手机(2.8%The production growth rate of traditional machine products is relatively flat or year-on-year decline, showing that the electronic information industry is in a period of growth momentum switching。

(2) Industrial investment grew rapidly

 1-8In October, the computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry completed fixed asset investment7960100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase25.4%, growth rate ratio1-7Monthly retreat1.8But still higher than the manufacturing average for the same period17.6Percentage point。By sector, investment in the electronic device industry grew rapidly, including semiconductor discrete device manufacturing and electronic vacuum device manufacturing, respectively100%以上。In the whole machine industry, the communication equipment industry and home audio-visual investment grew rapidly, and the growth rate exceeded30%Investment in the computer industry increased slightly。

3. Foreign trade exports gradually stabilized

 1-8Exports of high-tech products in China3990$100 million, up from a year earlier8.1%;进口3565$100 million, up from a year earlier9.9%。After experiencing a decline in the second quarter, the growth rate of industry imports and exports picked up slightly again and gradually entered a stable range。In terms of main products, exports of mobile phones and their parts, computers, liquid crystal display boards and integrated circuits reached respectively872Billions of dollars,977Billions of dollars,165Hundred million dollars and407$100 million, up from a year earlier6.5%14.4%2.3%6.5%

4. Efficiency improved slightly

 1-7In October, the main business income of the whole industry increased year-on-year14.2%Profits are up year on year15.3%。The profit margin of main business income is4.57%Year-on-year increase0.04A percentage point;Corporate losses21.1%, narrowed year-on-year0.8Percentage point。The overall capital of enterprises is tight, and the inventory of finished products has decreased。7At the end of the month, the industry-wide accounts receivable increased year-on-year17.4%Higher than the main business income growth in the same period3.2A percentage point;Finished goods inventories increased year-on-year10.3%Lower than the main business income growth in the same period2.9Percentage point。

 In the first three quarters, the operating situation of the electronic information industry will further stabilize, and the added value of the industry is expected to grow13.5%Investment growth25%Around, export growth8%左右。Throughout the year, the industry added value increased12%Above, investment growth20%Above, export growth7%左右。