One of the Smart City Professional Committee activity series: Interview with Guangdong iot World Technology Group

本站 本站 2014-07-14 259

On July 2, Secretary General Bi Xiangdong and General Manager Lai Zhijian, director of the Smart City Professional Committee, led the team, ten experts of the special committee and more than 20 representatives of various enterprises participated in the visit to the Internet of Things Technology Group。Guangdong IOT World Technology Group is the deputy director unit of the Smart City Professional Committee。The visit and exchange were warmly received by Mr. Yan Feng, President of iot World Group, Mr. Gong Wenhuan, Vice President, Mr. Zhang Bin and other people, and the experts and business representatives spoke freely on the healthy development of smart city construction。

Exchange panel,The Palace General Manager of the Internet of Things Group introduced the construction achievements and investment promotion of the Internet of Things Park;Mr. Zhang summarized the background, implementation and harvest of Lecong's smart city pilot project,And strengthen the linkage with the smart City Committee of the Association in the future,Jointly promote multi-party cooperation and exchanges,Make suggestions on the creation and exploration of smart city。After the symposium, the focus of the visit to the Internet of Things World Experience Museum,Including the smart city command center (the entire city's inland waterways, elevators, safety supervision and a series of iot perception information display,Some early warning indicators will be set for sensitive events,When a problem occurs, an emergency prompt will appear on the monitoring screen,After a prompt is triggered, the system implements linkage in a timely manner,And transfer the information to the relevant departments), detailed introduction of the Lecong furniture business Internet of Things (can trace the origin of furniture, raw materials,And can quickly buy desirable furniture in the store through intelligent shopping guide), intelligent energy-saving buildings (through intelligent transformation and intelligent control,Promote the economical use of electricity, water and other energy in the building), smart home (air conditioning, lighting facilities, anti-theft facilities, etc., automatically turned on), smart medical (through a smart health system,It can diagnose patients), intelligent parking system (through automatic charging instruments, parking fees can be standardized, unmanned management) and other Internet of things applications。

Secretary General Bi, General Manager Lai and the expert enterprise representatives who participated in the exchange activity affirmed the achievements made by Guangdong iot World Technology Group in the construction of smart city in Lecong Town, and put forward many valuable suggestions。The Association and the special Committee will also organize several visits to the member units of the special Committee in July and August this year, to achieve mutual exchange and learning through visits, and to strengthen the depth of the special committee members in the field of smart city constructionSpend time together。